Sunday, October 27, 2013

Happy Halloween Loves!
The month of candy and pumpkin flavored treats is reeking terror on us all and if we are not careful, like a ghost, the impact of this "candy holiday" can continue to haunt us. Are you scared? Don't be! We are here to provide you with a few tricks and tips to survive this thrilling, candy filled holiday.
It is hard to believe that on All Hallow's Eve, there is more to fear than ghouls, goblins, and ghosts. To overindulge in sugar and candy can lead to undesirable effects on your health. Giving in to this temptation can increase your risk of cavities, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and weight gain. Oh my!
Now before you decide to cut out treats altogether, you should know that it is okay to enjoy some of the guilty, chocolate-covered pleasures that accompany this holiday. In fact, we encourage you to treat yourself to the goodies of Halloween, but the trick is to not overdo it. So trick-or-treat! Get your pumpkin baskets ready because our treat to you is our healthy tricks to survive this holiday of terror!

Trick 1: "Out of Sight, Out of Mind"
We don't know about you guys, but if there are any sweets in our house, we will eat them until there is nothing left for the trick-or-treaters. So our tip to you is to not buy any candy or desserts until the night before, or even the day of.
Trick 2: "Healthy Tummy, Happy Waistline"
Our next tip is to eat a healthy, but delicious meal before any Halloween festivities. This will help you to ward off, what we like to call, the devil's food luring you to the dark side. However, like we said, feel free to enjoy the monster claws and the eyeball cookies, but remember to practice moderation and portion control. Your waistline will thank you later!
Trick 3: "Beware the Masquerading Munchies"
We don't know if you guys know this, but we are not the only ones in costume on Halloween. Foods such as chocolate-covered raisin/pretzels are similar to a child in a white sheet masquerading as a ghost. On the outside they appear to be one thing, but is that really what they are? Chocolate-covered treats give the illusion that they are a healthy option, but this is simply a costume. The only thing chocolate did was add unnecessary calories. So beware, for things are not always as they appear. Boo!
Trick 4: "Size does Matter"
Our last tip to you is portion control. Leave your pillow cases on the bed! No one needs a pillow case full of candy, so grab yourself a smaller pumpkin bucket if trick-or-treating is on your Halloween to-do list.
 This candle really has nothing to do with our healthy tricks, but it sure does smell good! :) Now back to the post:
You are now ready to go forth and show Halloween who is really to fear! Happy Halloween Loves!
Till next time!  

Friday, October 18, 2013

"Fall" into High-Waisted Shorts

Hello Loves and Hello Fall!

The season of falling leaves and pumpkin flavored coffee is finally upon us and we could not be more thrilled! The time to start pulling out your scarves and dusting off your sweaters is fast approaching, but is not quite here yet. So for today's post, we wanted to show you how we would put a fall spin on summer's high-waisted shorts.

 How cute is the tiger on the back pocket of these light wash, destroyed high-waisted shorts?
High-Waisted Shorts - Know Style / Tank Crop Top - Brandy Melville / Plaid Button Down - American Eagle (men's department) / Combat Boots - Payless Shoes
Plaid and fall go together like candy and Halloween! So it only seemed fitting to incorporate, what I like to call, a "boyfriend plaid" button down to this otherwise summer look . If you find yourself feeling completely lost on how to add fall to your still summer wardrobe just remember, you can never go wrong with an oversized button down!
On my feet I am wearing brown combat boots, which give this outfit a "soft grunge" feel. Grunge is often characterized by combat boots and oversized plaid, but by using a pale blue color scheme and a more light brown boot, I achieved a softer version of grunge chic. Now I will let Ashley show you another way to transform summer's most popular shorts to fall.

High-Waisted Shorts - Know Style / "Sly" Sweater - Hollister / Beanie - Forever 21 / Boots - Shii
When I (Ashley) think fall, I think sweater weather. However, since I'd classify today as "pre-fall" weather, I chose to wear a light, over-the-shoulder sweater to complement my favorite high-waisted shorts. For an even more fall touch, my off-white, wool beanie was the perfect accessory! Want to know a secret about beanies? They give the illusion that you're having a rocking hair day, when in reality, you may just be trying to tame a hot mess. Pretty cool, huh? :)
These collared fur boots just scream fall and the heel adds a perfect hint of glam! So you can see why these shoes were the perfect choice to aid in my transformation from summer to fall!

We hope this inspires you to play around with your wardrobe and "fall" into the fashions of this amazing season!

Till next time! :) (: