Monday, August 4, 2014

black and white.

| Photography by Ashley Nicole |

When did things become so complicated? When man first began, life was so simple. Survival reigned over all else and instincts and loyalty were what you lived by. There were no mind games where your feelings become casualties, no actions or hidden messages behind spoken words to be deciphered, life was just simple. And I am starting to realize, that it is us who complicate our own life.

 Life itself has not really changed from what it was when man lived in caves. Sure our arsenal of survival tools have evolved, but when you really think about it, life is, or at least can be, as simple as it once was. We overthink things and try to decipher signs that most likely have no hidden meaning behind them, but why? I believe we over analyze certain moments in life as a way of trying to make sense of an undesirable situation. But maybe, things would be a lot easier and a lot less painful if we just accept things as they are in black and white. Sometimes, things  really are as simple as they seem.

Take these gorgeous gold necklaces for example. So simple and small, but yet they make their own statement. Without even having to try, these necklaces exude a subtle elegance and an undeniable beauty that requires no second thoughts. That is how life should be. We need to remember to live for the small moments in life because they truly are what matter most. We need to learn to stop playing games and letting our own thoughts and insecurities ruin good moments because those are the moments you cannot get back and those are the moments that you will long for most once they are gone. Maybe, if we live life in black and white and stay away from the grey areas that only complicate something that would otherwise be so simple, we can live the candid and beautiful life that I believe was intended for us.

xoxo - Heather Marie