Wednesday, January 21, 2015


| Behind the Scenes: Photography by Ashley Nicole |
There is something to be said about raw, natural beauty. About letting people see, and even capture, the 'naked' side of you, exposed for all to behold and to welcome whole-heartedly. Letting people see what lies just beneath the surface is not always easy, but I feel it is important to see the beauty of a naturally raw you.
I recently pushed myself to do something that I have always wanted to do; to create images in a studio with a professional photographer that shares a passion for his craft, just as I do. Someone to help me not just take a pretty picture, but to capture a character and to tell a story. To put myself out there in this fashion was a little nerve-wrecking as I am allowing an almost stranger to capture me through his lens and in his eyes. I don't think I had more than five hours of sleep the night before, as my mind was racing nonstop with ideas and concepts. To truly experience the non-traditional side of life, you have to have the confidence to face your fears and even sometimes to feel uncomfortable. As nervous and maybe even as embarrassed as I felt, I walked into the studio with my head held high and my heels even higher. By the end of the shoot I felt confident, powerful, beautiful, and grateful that I was able to experience something so raw and with so much room for creativity.
The images for todays article were actually taken behind the scenes of my latest photo shoot by my lovely twin of oh so many talents. Turns out my makeup artist of a sister also has a knack for capturing the raw side of me in a way that makes me feel beautiful and confident, thanks sis! However, as much as I loved these images and what they represent in my eyes, I cannot wait to see the girl professionally captured through the lens of another. Stay tuned!
xoxo - Heather Marie
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