Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Take a dip in my daydreams

| Photography by Ashley Nicole |
To indulge in daydreams is probably one of life's greatest pleasures. To me, daydreams are a way of seeing your future, a future that you can create, for daydreams are just a future reality waiting to be lived. On my journey I find myself always seduced by the charm of my imagination. With so many possibilities and opportunities waiting to be discovered, it is hard not to succumb to the fantasies of your heart. Daydreaming is more than just an escape, it is the realization of our imaginative potential or the threshold to unleashing our creativity.
While discovering what it is that inspires you and what desires give rise to the passion that compels every decision you make, you can often get distracted by the responsibilities of a 'normal' life. It is often hard to dedicate your full self to the journey of creating a reality that was once only a dream. It is important to find that balance between what you have to do and what you want to do to bring your fantasy out of the shadows and in to the light for all to see.
 I have been thinking a lot about what and who inspires me and every time I am lucky enough to witness and experience a passion of creativity, I find myself awakened with a craving to dedicate myself to my own passions. I feel that we have only really brushed the surface of all that Ashley and I can do; and with so much vision and imagination waiting to be uncovered and embraced, I can't wait to see the visionary revolutions we will bring to this life. So if you want a shelter from reality, you can take a dip in our daydreams. - Arctic Monkeys.
xoxo - Heather Marie

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