Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Seduced by the charm of the night

Sometimes, the fierce and daring styles of the night make their way into the light of day. When the sun goes down and the stars come up, moods can shift from the cautious beauty of daytime into the mysterious and venturesome allure of the darkness. And every now and then, one experiences the courage to bring the fearless fashions of the night into the spotlight of the sun.
Lately, Ashley and I have felt a disconnection to our new life in our new town. With so many dreams we aspire to make into reality, we find ourselves living in the future of what we hope to accomplish. The problem with living in your dreams is that you are no longer using your present time to move yourself forward in the direction of your desires. Talking about your dreams is easy, but actually working for them is the hard part. There must come a time when you bring your dreams of the night into the reality of the day. Much like todays look, we are finding the courage to wake up from the safety net of our dreams and actually take the risk of failure to achieve what we want out of life. When I put this outfit together, I was feeling courageous and inspired! I love what is brought to light when the darkness takes over - the unconscious desires we call dreams, the daring attitudes we call confidence, the sexy attraction of the nightly fashion scene. At a time when you are feeling disconnected, these nightly traits must be embraced to bring you back on track to making your dreams a reality.
 I was seduced by the dark charm of this lace corset top and feeling fearless, I wore it out in the day. To tailor it to my elegant style, I paired it with my delicate harem pant and black strappy heels. Fashion has no rules! And once every blue moon, I feel the need to push the boundaries. My life had a wake up call and since my outfit choices are often tied to my emotions, I opted for an ensemble that is bold, daring, courageous, and dark.
Our dreams will no longer be just an element of the night, but rather an everyday presence that pushes us even after our heads leave the pillow.
xoxo - Heather Marie

Top - Vintage
Harem Pant - Forever 21
Shoes - Forever 21
Clutch - Forever 21

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