Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Green is so not my color

"Where is the fun in practicality anyway?" - Heather Marie

I don’t know if it is the fact that I am graduating in a few short months or if it is that my 22nd birthday is in less than four weeks, but lately I have been in an unbecoming state of uncertainty. It has become clear to me that I am no longer a kid. Neverland is drifting farther and farther into the distance and I am no closer to knowing what I will be doing in my future or even where I will be. There is a certain thrill in the idea of the unknown, but when there is thrill, there is also fear.
At this age, what we want in life can change as many times as the sun rises and falls behind the horizon, and I want what most people want… for my dream of love, luxury and labels to become a reality. My quest for labels is well underway, but my life of luxury is one only lived while my eyes are closed and when my head is hitting the pillow. With a dream where few succeed and many fall short, I have to wonder, why does it seem to happen so easily for some and not at all for others?
We all start off with an unrealistically fun and impractical dream that over time evolves into a dream influenced by others expectations of what is practical. Princess turns into pediatrician and astronaut turns into accountant, but few of us are fortunate enough to pursue the life we once dreamed about as children. I love fashion, shoes, photography, filming, writing, the list goes on… and my dream is to make a living doing what I love. Where is the fun in practicality anyway?
After many wrong turns, I have finally created a path that with hard work, I am hoping will lead me to my final destination of the life I know I am meant to live. But as I look around and see others living an amazing dream life that seems to have just fallen into their laps overnight, I become prey for two of the seven deadly sins – envy and jealousy. It seems that in my frame of mind, green has become the new black.
Jealousy and envy are alluring, tempting sins, but they are also wasted emotions that only lead to disappointment and doubt. My life is my life and I cannot expect my journey and my dreams to turn out the same as someone else’s and being envious is only going to take valuable time away from my own unique path. With hard work and hope, I know my dreams will come true in my own way and in its own time. “Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game!” Green is so not my color, don’t let it be yours!
Till next time.
xoxo - Heather Marie

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