Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Take the first step


Rain or shine, I will do what I love. It is another not so sunny day here in South Carolina, but a little rain won't stand in the way of my week of freedom and dream catching! Before this break, I set a goal for myself to focus on my dreams and my future every day, rain or shine, and Marie Nicole are not ones to quit. I am a girl who loves a challenge and when it comes to fashion, nothing is quite so challenging as trying to dress up a casual the rain. Strappy black heels are a staple that should have a home in every closet! They instantly transform a casual, comfy "boyfriend" inspired outfit into a woman's feminine casual couture. Just watch out for puddles!

Lately I have been thinking a lot about change. Change is not something that comes easily to most people. I envy those who can just pick up and do whatever comes to mind without ever giving it a second thought. For me, I am one to think things through, to consider the scenarios, and to ask myself "what could go wrong if I make this change? Why should I not do it?" This is something about myself that I would like to change. Life is too short to live in worry and negative what if's. The question I should be asking is "what if something amazing happens if I just open myself up to something new, to something different, to something my old self would never have considered." There are so many possibilities and opportunities that lie just beyond taking a chance or a risk and making a change. Of course this is not something that must be done all at once and the change is not something that has to be as drastic as say packing up your life and moving to a whole new continent. However, never say never. But sometimes, just making a small change is a step in the right direction. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

Ashley and I have actually just taken our first step. We had a thought and without overthinking it, we just took the plunge, made a change, and embraced it. Stay tuned because we will soon be revealing our big change! I will admit, it was scary and a bit nerve wrecking to do something so different without fully thinking it through, but sometimes those are the best moments in life.

Till next time.
xoxo - Heather Marie

Monday, March 24, 2014

The beach pant can be so much more

Casual and Couture. Good morning loves! If the pants don't give it away, Ashley and I are currently on spring break, and where else would you go on the first break of spring....the beach, that's right! We were out and about on this not so sunny spring day when we came across this private beach area. Needless to say, we couldn't wait to snap a few pics! Ashley was taking a selfie before our feet even hit the sand.
For today's look I wanted to make casual beach wear look couture. I took the classic patterned beach pant and gave it an air of effortless elegance. This laid-back vacay essential can be an all-out stunner both on and off the beach, all you need is the right accessories!
It is an early morning on Marie Nicole and Ashley and I are about to head out for a day trip to Charleston. It is like a mini New York right in our backyard!
Till next time.
xoxo - Heather Marie
Pant - Victoria's Secret
Shirt - Express
Bag - Forever 21
Shoes - Nine West

Sunday, March 23, 2014

To experience would be an awfully big adventure


Birthday's and Cheesecake. Hello sweets! I am writing today from salty aired South Carolina a few days after our 22nd birthday!! We are about to head out the door, but we really wanted to share our birthday with you guys. It is hard to believe that a whole other year has come and gone, but what a great year it has been. In this one year alone, Ashley and I have changed so much, but in the best way! I feel that through this past year we have really begun to find ourselves and as each day passes, we are getting closer and closer to our dreams and to being the women we want to be. Birthday's really are a special time and I am so happy that I am able to share mine with my best friend!

It seems that lately Ashley and I have been talking more and more about experiencing life. For twenty-two years we have been living each day routinely with little experience and on the eve of this blessed day, we made a pact. We are going to experience all that life has to offer, for with out experiences, there will be no stories for the grandkids. There will be no entries for our diaries. If you are not experiencing, are you really living? We can count the weeks till our college graduation on one hand as each finger falls, we are moving closer and closer to our next experience, and I have a feeling that the next one is going to be a big one! I am not sure what it will be, but not knowing is half the fun. So here is to being twenty-two and to the next great experience!

Till next time.
xoxo - Heather Marie

Dress - Forever 21
Blazer - Express
Clutch - Francesca's 


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Pastel love

Pastel and Pleather. There is nothing I love more than a casual, comfy look on a cool day of walking and shopping. Ashley and I are out and about and I decided to keep it simple, but stylish with a little pastel and pleather. Contrary to popular belief, these faux leather pants are as comfortable as the lounging legging, but they add an edginess that leggings could only dream of. With a cream chunky knit and a pastel statement necklace, cross body clutch, AND beanie, I was able to achieve an effortlessly edgy look with the perfect pop of color. What better way to bring in Spring than with pastel! What a lucky coincidence that my pastel pop happened to match this colorful store.
It is officially two days till our birthday and we could not be more excited to celebrate the twenty-second year that we graced the world with our presence! We plan to dine at our favorite local factory, the Cheesecake Factory, and indulge in Alabama's best decadent dessert. Any ideas as to what that could be? The excitement continues with spring break only one week away. We plan to head home for a few days and take advantage of some much needed rest and relaxation on the warm, sandy beaches of South Carolina. After many weeks of craving care free days of no responsibilities other than the responsibility to our dreams, we are counting down the minutes until our departure.
Till next time.
xoxo - Heather Marie
Pant - Express
Knit - Forever 21
Beanie - Forever 21
Necklace - Forever 21
Clutch - Francesca's

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Taking chances

Sleek and Inspired. Ashley and I are graduating college very soon and we are constantly chattering about the next chapter of our lives and in what setting this chapter will take place. We are so excited for an adventurous change and we have have been talking a lot about moving to the city, maybe New York, maybe L.A.; so lately I have been inspired by city fashion! In truth, Marie Nicole are two city girls who have been stuck in southern suburbia, but not for much longer if we have any say.
One thing I love about the city is the sleek and chic fashion! The slicked back straight hair, the sleek pants, the heels. New York City, for example, makes street style high fashion and I am definitely inspired! For this look I wanted to portray a polished and sophisticated vibe while also being a bit daring with the patterned harem pant. This new style is a bit foreign for me, but once you go sleek, there is no going back! While it is not always easy to wear something out of your comfort zone, such as a  bold patterned pant, it is important to push yourself and take a chance on something new. It may awaken a part of yourself that you never knew was there. When I stepped out of my safe fashion box, an air of confidence swept through me and it felt like I had walked right off the runway. I am absolutely in love with this slicked back straight hair! It draws attention to my face while accentuating my cheek bones, and your face should always be a focal point, am I right ladies?
Here's to taking chances in the next chapter of our lives. Till next time.
xoxo - Heather Marie
Harem Pant - Forever 21
Blouse - Express
Blazer - JC Penney
Shoe - Jessica Simpson

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

With passion comes perseverance

"Even when you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, you just need to pull your feet up under you, use your legs, and lift that bitch." - Heather Marie

To say it simply, I hope without sounding too cliché, life is like a roller coaster. One day, things are going smooth with no surprises and then the next you’re going around a loop holding on for dear life. Things are not always easy and what we want in life will rarely be handed to us. If you truly want something, it may take going through a few loops.
Today is a new day and a whole set of emotions are flowing through my mind like a whirl wind. I can count the months till graduation on one hand and what I once longed to see in my near future, is now so close it is almost overwhelming. The concept of graduating and starting a new chapter in my life that no longer involves exams and tedious projects is something that I honestly cannot wait for; but everything else that follows, not so much. For three and a half years I was able to enjoy the ignorance is bliss approach and brush all that follows graduation under the rug to deal with later. Now that it is so close, there is no more hiding it under the rug; the time is coming to deal with the responsibilities. Seems so simple, but the question is, will the bad that follows graduation take away from the good?
The road to my dreams lies just in front of me, but it is hard to continue down the road when you see the inevitable road block of student loan debts and unemployment standing in the way of my desired future. The easy solution would be to just drop my dreams off on the side of the road and focus on getting past the roadblock, but if I put my dreams aside, how do I know that I will return for them? How do I know that life and practicality won’t change my dream in to the expected?
 The things you want in life won’t always come easy and if something truly matters to you, you won’t just let it go because it is what’s easiest. Even when you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, you just need to pull your feet up under you, use your legs, and lift that bitch. Life is too short to take the easy way out and allow the road blocks to stand in your way.  It is important to remember that there is no shame in feeling stressed or overwhelmed for that is a part of life. What matters is how you decide to deal with it.
It seems we are now at the crossroads. The easiest route would be to leave your dreams on the curb and hope you would one day return for them, but to be successful and truly happy, one must not be afraid to take the road less traveled.
Till next time.
xoxo - Heather Marie

Thursday, March 6, 2014

I bid you adiue


Red-violet fur and Faux nude leather. Hello my lovely fashionista's! Slowly, but surely it is starting to feel more and more like spring, which means the days of knit chunk scarves, heavy wool pea coats, and faux fur garments are meeting their end. This is exciting because I am more than ready to embrace the spring trends and transition my wardrobe from bone-chilling cold to blissfully cool ensembles; however, with the recent cold fronts, this time has not yet come. So I am taking full advantage by pulling out my favorite red-violet faux fur vest. It is super warm, with out overly heating, and I love the pop of color it adds to my neutral toned structured leather skirt and cream neutral knit. Winter, you were fun while you lasted, but it is time for spring, so without further or do, I must bid you adieu!
Till next time.
xoxo- Heather Marie
Vest - JC Penney
Knit - Forever 21
Skirt - Forever 21
Necklace - Forever 21
Shoes - DSW

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Sweaters at the Summit

Pastel Blues and Cream Sweaters. Hello my loves. With what seemed to be an endless winter chill, I am happy to say that it is finally starting to feel like spring! The flowers are in bloom and the pink lipstick is hitting the streets. 
It is a beautiful day here at Marie Nicole, so Ashley and I took a day trip to one of our favorite stomping grounds, the Summit! If we are in the mood for some first-class, outdoor shopping, this is our first destination. With my new tote in hand and my freshly painted pastel nails, I hit the Summit streets in a pair of strappy chunked wedges. I kept it casual with my cream colored sweater and glammed it up with my powder blue statement necklace. Add a girly, spring braid to your up-do and you are ready for a casually elegant day out!
Till next time.
xoxo - Heather Marie
Sweater - Forever 21
Jeans - Forever 21
Shoes - Lotus
Tote - Francesca's
Necklace - Forever 21