Wednesday, March 12, 2014

With passion comes perseverance

"Even when you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, you just need to pull your feet up under you, use your legs, and lift that bitch." - Heather Marie

To say it simply, I hope without sounding too cliché, life is like a roller coaster. One day, things are going smooth with no surprises and then the next you’re going around a loop holding on for dear life. Things are not always easy and what we want in life will rarely be handed to us. If you truly want something, it may take going through a few loops.
Today is a new day and a whole set of emotions are flowing through my mind like a whirl wind. I can count the months till graduation on one hand and what I once longed to see in my near future, is now so close it is almost overwhelming. The concept of graduating and starting a new chapter in my life that no longer involves exams and tedious projects is something that I honestly cannot wait for; but everything else that follows, not so much. For three and a half years I was able to enjoy the ignorance is bliss approach and brush all that follows graduation under the rug to deal with later. Now that it is so close, there is no more hiding it under the rug; the time is coming to deal with the responsibilities. Seems so simple, but the question is, will the bad that follows graduation take away from the good?
The road to my dreams lies just in front of me, but it is hard to continue down the road when you see the inevitable road block of student loan debts and unemployment standing in the way of my desired future. The easy solution would be to just drop my dreams off on the side of the road and focus on getting past the roadblock, but if I put my dreams aside, how do I know that I will return for them? How do I know that life and practicality won’t change my dream in to the expected?
 The things you want in life won’t always come easy and if something truly matters to you, you won’t just let it go because it is what’s easiest. Even when you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, you just need to pull your feet up under you, use your legs, and lift that bitch. Life is too short to take the easy way out and allow the road blocks to stand in your way.  It is important to remember that there is no shame in feeling stressed or overwhelmed for that is a part of life. What matters is how you decide to deal with it.
It seems we are now at the crossroads. The easiest route would be to leave your dreams on the curb and hope you would one day return for them, but to be successful and truly happy, one must not be afraid to take the road less traveled.
Till next time.
xoxo - Heather Marie

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