Sunday, March 23, 2014

To experience would be an awfully big adventure


Birthday's and Cheesecake. Hello sweets! I am writing today from salty aired South Carolina a few days after our 22nd birthday!! We are about to head out the door, but we really wanted to share our birthday with you guys. It is hard to believe that a whole other year has come and gone, but what a great year it has been. In this one year alone, Ashley and I have changed so much, but in the best way! I feel that through this past year we have really begun to find ourselves and as each day passes, we are getting closer and closer to our dreams and to being the women we want to be. Birthday's really are a special time and I am so happy that I am able to share mine with my best friend!

It seems that lately Ashley and I have been talking more and more about experiencing life. For twenty-two years we have been living each day routinely with little experience and on the eve of this blessed day, we made a pact. We are going to experience all that life has to offer, for with out experiences, there will be no stories for the grandkids. There will be no entries for our diaries. If you are not experiencing, are you really living? We can count the weeks till our college graduation on one hand as each finger falls, we are moving closer and closer to our next experience, and I have a feeling that the next one is going to be a big one! I am not sure what it will be, but not knowing is half the fun. So here is to being twenty-two and to the next great experience!

Till next time.
xoxo - Heather Marie

Dress - Forever 21
Blazer - Express
Clutch - Francesca's 


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