Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Take the first step


Rain or shine, I will do what I love. It is another not so sunny day here in South Carolina, but a little rain won't stand in the way of my week of freedom and dream catching! Before this break, I set a goal for myself to focus on my dreams and my future every day, rain or shine, and Marie Nicole are not ones to quit. I am a girl who loves a challenge and when it comes to fashion, nothing is quite so challenging as trying to dress up a casual the rain. Strappy black heels are a staple that should have a home in every closet! They instantly transform a casual, comfy "boyfriend" inspired outfit into a woman's feminine casual couture. Just watch out for puddles!

Lately I have been thinking a lot about change. Change is not something that comes easily to most people. I envy those who can just pick up and do whatever comes to mind without ever giving it a second thought. For me, I am one to think things through, to consider the scenarios, and to ask myself "what could go wrong if I make this change? Why should I not do it?" This is something about myself that I would like to change. Life is too short to live in worry and negative what if's. The question I should be asking is "what if something amazing happens if I just open myself up to something new, to something different, to something my old self would never have considered." There are so many possibilities and opportunities that lie just beyond taking a chance or a risk and making a change. Of course this is not something that must be done all at once and the change is not something that has to be as drastic as say packing up your life and moving to a whole new continent. However, never say never. But sometimes, just making a small change is a step in the right direction. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

Ashley and I have actually just taken our first step. We had a thought and without overthinking it, we just took the plunge, made a change, and embraced it. Stay tuned because we will soon be revealing our big change! I will admit, it was scary and a bit nerve wrecking to do something so different without fully thinking it through, but sometimes those are the best moments in life.

Till next time.
xoxo - Heather Marie

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